[ba] JITT cont..

Dan Hamren dan at magnitude-electronics.com
Fri Aug 31 17:26:04 EDT 2001

I cant belive anyone would take thier tires to be mounted and ballanced at
Wheel Teqniques.. I mean don't get me wrong, BUT as busy as they are.. I
don't think that they take enough time to ballance the tire perfectly.. I
watched them balance my recently fixed 17 inch BBS wheel in 2 min... WHIP EM
OUT ... Now I took it out for a drive.. and still had the shakes.. I took
the car to Wheel Works and had thier SUPER ExPENSIVE 48 dollar ballance
done.. Low and behold... NO MORE SHAKES.....   So while I don't reccommend
ANY tire shop.. At least Wheel Works has the machine that ballances the
tires UNDER LOAD! Which worked for me...
Course when he mentioned to me a shipping charge on some Yokohammas for my
Range Rover.. I fealt the KY jelly comming soon.......

Dan Hamren

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