[ba] new ba lister...

jim rose sf5ktq at hotmail.com
Wed Jun 6 15:43:03 EDT 2001

howdy, all !

i JUST found the ba list thru conversations off the "big list".  ive been on 
the big list for 8 months or so, and ive been in the area for 1.5 years, so 
im not REALLY a "new" lister. i think. but im psyched to hook up with you 
all and talk about awd, turbo cars that break a lot (propers to fwd, NA, and 
reliable audi's ;)

im in beserkeley, work in the south bay (ouch!) and drive a lowered pearl 88 
fivethousand QT. no tags, bbs's, german plate. so if you see me on the 880, 
101, 680, or 280 then beep, flash, wave or sumthin...

make use of the fine weather + long days - cars are faster waxed :)

jim rose

"like most things, i am nothing"

ps-i saw a really nice pearl 90ish 90q - pearl on the on ramp to 880 
yesterday in fremont - lister?

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