[ba] RE: [ba]: q-list 10th anniversary...

jim rose sf5ktq at hotmail.com
Fri Jun 8 16:47:08 EDT 2001

that would be an even better  shirt if it had an audi logo on it.

its funny how bmw motorcycles have gone from a very oddball niche product 
witha fanatic following (how many did you see 10 years ago?) , to a very 
competitive + great selling lineup. kind of like what the a4 did for audi.

i have a good friend with a 75 something. k bike, i think. with over 200k on 
it and a matching propeller tatoo on his bicep. HE is what i think of when i 
think bmw bike. no shirt, tie or mba anywhere in sight....

>From: "Buchholz, Steven" <Steven.Buchholz at kla-tencor.com>
>To: ba-group at audifans.com
>Subject: [ba] RE: [ba]: q-list 10th anniversary...
>Date: Fri, 8 Jun 2001 11:52:13 -0700
>... I was at the BMW Motorcycle dealer in San Jose yesterday on my first
>attempt to pick up a new driveshaft for my bike.  They had a shirt there
>that I thought was pretty good ... "I didn't know BMW made cars until I
>passed one the other day" ... I guess many here may not get it, but it is
>funny how a lot of the SUV-types who choose BMW cars are oblivious to the
>fact that the company also does a reasonable business in motorcycles.
>... it does seem like BMW is taking a few cues from Audi in the replacement
>parts department ... even though I only need the rear section of the drive
>shaft the only part that is available to me is the entire driveshaft ... 
>which I get the privilege of paying $400 and change.
>Steve Buchholz
>San Jose, CA (USA)
> >
> > something like....    "f**k you AND your silly S.U.V"
> >
> >
> > im actually thinking about having stickers made to that
> > effect. any takers?
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