[ba] RE: [urq] Re: q-list 10th anniversary...
Robert Myers
robert at s-cars.org
Fri Jun 8 19:37:31 EDT 2001
Thanks, Steve,
The q-list decals sold well enough that not only has the investment been
recouped but also Dan has received a few hundred bucks from the
sales. (Dan, there is still more to come - I've been procrastinating again.)
Meanwhile, I still have a few hundred left (of the original 1,000 made) and
will send a pair to any list members who want them . US$5 per pair plus
a SASE. These "decals" are actually cling vinyl "stickers" made of the
same type of stuff that the monkey lads use to write your oil change
mileage on your car. White oval 3 inches wide by 2 inches high with a
stylized black "Q" in the center and the q-list URL printed along the lower
edge. Their intended purpose is two-fold. 1. They can provide a means of
recognizing a list member when seen on the highway. 2. Profits will help
a bit to defray Dan's list expenses.
If you want some, send a check plus a SASE to me at the address in my sig
file way down below.
List members outside the US let me know and we can probably work something
out. My local bank doesn't seem to be able to figure out how to handle
non-US funds. :-(
At 02:28 PM 6/8/01, Buchholz, Steven wrote:
>... ISTR that they sold well enough for Bob to at least have recouped his
>investment. I still appreciate the fact that Bob Myers went out on a limb
>to get that done!
>For my tuppence, it seems to me that an anniversary event is different than
>for which the stickers were intended ... the stickers were put forth as a
>way to get the word out on the existence of the list, and possibly a way for
>otherwise faceless qlisters to recognize each other on the road.
>I think the proper way of acknowledging the anniversary is with a T-shirt,
>hat or mug ... and I would most definitely be in for at least one T-shirt
>... probably more, especially if we make sure that kid sizes were available.
>To my mind the cap or shirt would be preferable, as they are things that can
>be worn to indicate to others that you are a qlister. Back for MH99 Tom Nas
>brought me a stunning red T-shirt with the quattro logo on the right breast
>... I would like to see something like that here ... except with the
>Audifans logo on it, and perhaps some catchy anniversary slogan on the back.
>I think it would be good to either choose an unusual color for the shirt, or
>make the shirt available in a lot of colors (a la IBMWR). They did some
>shirts for us here at work once, and rather than scaling the artwork for the
>kiddie shirt they simply used the logo on the front of the larger shirt on
>the back of the smaller size.
>... perhaps Jouko's line at the end of his post could be that slogan ...
>Steve Buchholz
>San Jose, CA (USA)
>(... looking forward to having to approve a lot of replies because of my own
>wild cross post ... :)
> >
> > Decals don't seem to sell all that well (right Bob?)
> >
> > How about a 10th anniversary coffee mug and/or tshirt, or
> > baseball cap,
> > etc? There is a shop in Canada that did some nice work on VW
> > TDI items
> > for the folks over at tdiclub.com, and I've already spoken to
> > him about
> > doing something for us. His work is not cheap but it's top quality.
> >
> > Jouko Haapanen wrote:
> > >
> > > We are getting perilously close to the 10th anniversary of the list.
> > > The first archived messages are from June 15, 1991 - I do
> > believe that
> > > there were a couple of messages older than that for some reason
> > > are not in the archives. Does anyone have a 10-year q-list
> > > celebratory decal designed? If we all bought one at $10.00-20.00 a
> > > piece, we could raise some money for the list. Any interest out
> > > there? It couldn't hurt to raise a few bucks.
> > >
> > > Like a good wine, it keeps getting better...
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Robert L. Myers 304-574-2372
Rt. 4, Box 57, Fayetteville, WV 25840 USA WV tag Q SHIP
'95 urS6 Cashmere Grey - der Wunderwagen ICQ 22170244
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