[ba] Bay Area List Purpose?

Buchholz, Steven Steven.Buchholz at kla-tencor.com
Thu Sep 20 16:46:26 EDT 2001

> Also someone please correct me if I am wrong but this list is directed to
> Bay area stuff.. like up comming races.. meetings.. local mechanics.. and
> ocassionally off topic items..  your question about local parts
> was right on topic.. Todays topic is more or less for the main list . I
> wonder If they thought of making up an oil list.. much like the torsen..
> not even close to the torsen list, But along the same lines...

... as far as I'm concerned there is no problem with anyone on the list
posting any question they feel they would like to put before the members of
the bay area list.  While I would agree that you are likely to get a more
comprehensive response by posting to the "main" list, you don't have to put
up with the bandwidth of the big list here ... I can't afford to monitor the
big list from work any more, and even though I do get it at home, I find I
don't have time to do much more than scan the headers.

You can read my thoughts on the purpose of the list on the group's web page:


I guess I did not explicitly mention this, but the underlying goal is to
foster camaraderie in the area among the audifans.  I was on the PNW list
... hmmm, I wonder if I got unsubbed? ... they certainly talk about various
topics that might better be discussed on the "big" list too.  I think it is
best that everyone feel welcome to post whatever you think is worthwhile to
this list ... and if anyone thinks a particular post or thread is
inappropriate, then take it up with the posters or me off line.  It seems to
me that openly posting what is and is not allowable will tend to stifle
rather than foster the development of camaraderie in the group ... 

Steve Buchholz
Audifans Bay Area Group listmeister

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