[ba] Hydraulics question

Buchholz, Steven Steven.Buchholz at kla-tencor.com
Mon Apr 22 21:30:11 EDT 2002

... IMO the bomb can be changed pretty easily independently of the pump or
the rack ...

It is a very simple matter to test the bomb ... shut off the car and test
how many times you can press the brake pedal and still feel assist.  If that
number is anywhere less than 10 then you should consider having the bomb
done too.  You can tell when the assist goes away ... the pedal becomes hard
as a rock ...

Steve Buchholz
San Jose, CA (USA)
> I'm going to have the PS pump removed from my 1989 200
> turbo quattro in just a few days.  Got a leaky pump
> and a leaky high pressure hose to the rack, so both
> are being handled at once.
> BUT - seeing as I'll have all the Pentosin out of the
> system, is this the time to replace the bomb?  It's
> bad, no doubt, I'm just wondering if having the pump
> out is a big part of replacing the bomb anyway.

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