[ba] lunch anyone? and more

audion audion at serversmiths.com
Mon Feb 4 15:13:24 EST 2002

on 2/4/02 11:22 AM, Dan Hamren at dan at magnitude-electronics.com wrote:

> I was thinking that that it would be fun to get to together and have
> something similar to the TB-athon, but we could all do things to each others
> cars...

Yeah, when I was ponderin' a motor change I was thinking of advertising
"Mike's Motor Pull and BBQ" ;-).

Seems like Huw and his buddies have these type "events" on an ongoing basis
back east.

My own personal problems with any semi-major work on my Coupe is that I
can't have it off the road for more than a day or so as I have to ferry my 6
year old around. A "barn-raising" program would help me get around this and
I would be up for participating so I could earn the reciprocity and work my
way down my list of "semi-involved" projects, like

ball joints
vented front rotors (from Huw's Volks rotor tip)
head R&R

semi-little stuff that's really only a few hours if there's enough hands to
turn wrenches.

As we all know the first time through is about 5 times longer than if you've
done it even once before.

When I was active in the Norton Owner's Club in the 80's we used to do
gearbox layshaft bearing swops and electronic ignition upgrades. Gottem both
down to about an hour each.

BTW, anybody have any experience with Magnecor ignition wires?

They sure tell a good story on their website but I was in high-end audio for
about 20 years where a "good story" can sell dogshit as "caviar" and so I'm
a little leery.


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