[ba] RR bumpers

Dan Hamren dan at magnitude-electronics.com
Mon Feb 25 11:37:03 EST 2002

 B) are there any techniques for blacking out the bumpers on the early 80's
> Audis? There is some UV damage on the silver portions of the bumpers on my
> Coupe and it looks like getting a decent look is going to be a pain so I'd
> be interested in applying a black finish to the entire bumper. Anything
> there that anyone can point me towards?

FOREVER BLACK.. can be bought from 12-16 bucks its the most well spent money
for your bumpers.. I comes with 2 bottles .. one to get the armor all and
other crud off and a shoe polish like aplicator for the quick drying paint..
stays black for 2 years then it starts to fade a little you can do another
coat to bring it back.. I used it on my 5000 avant and a jetta too.. GREAT

Dan Hamren
Sales Representative
Magnitude Electronics LLC.
870 Mahler Rd Burlingame CA 94010
Tel 650-259-1890 Fax 650-259-1891
AOL/Yahoo I.M. HamrenDan

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