[ba] Virginia City Hill Climb June 15, 16
Dean Benz
dbenz at VCHillClimb.org
Fri May 3 01:00:07 EDT 2002
If you consider this SPAM, I apologize, but at least it is Quattro SPAM.
This is a reminder to get your registration forms in for this year's Audi C=
ar Club of North America Virginia City Hill Climb ASAP. The Deadline is May=
31st, but there is a late fee after May 15th, and we are already over half=
For those of you who don't know about the Hill Climb, it is a 5.2 mile sect=
ion of twisty mountain road about 45 minutes south of Reno Nevada that we c=
lose and run as a timed road course. There will be a number of Quattros, as=
well as other normal and exotic cars.
For more information, check out our web site, or send me an email.
Hope to see you there.
Dean Benz '99 A4 1.8TQMS,Brembo,GIAC...
Virginia City Hill Climb Event Chairman
dbenz at VCHillClimb.org
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