[ba] (no subject)
audion at serversmiths.com
Mon May 13 19:10:38 EDT 2002
on 5/13/02 2:13 PM, Buchholz, Steven at Steven.Buchholz at kla-tencor.com
> ... sorry about this message getting through ... it so happens on the other
> lists I'm adminning (other than the torsen list) I've gone to subscriber
> only posting privileges because of all the spam and other crap. I wish we
> could leave the lists open, but it really seems like there is a war going
> on! What would happen if I made the change is that if you posted from an
> address which was not subbed the server would hold the message for me to
> disposition. It can sometimes be a day or two before I get a chance to go
> through the messages, so worst case your post might get held up for that
> long.
> If any of you have any strong desire or good reason why I shouldn't switch
> the BA list to that mode let me know ... otherwise I think I'll do the
> switch later this week ...
Actually Steven,
I run my own listserver and your lists are set up quite a bit differently
than any I'm familiar with. I wondered why my posts went through when I
inadvertently sent them from an address I didn't subscribe from. These lists
are configured much more like a newsgroup which I have to assume was the
intent. But the problem is that unlike newsgroups these lists are direct
lines to our email clients. So, spam and perhaps virii could be propagated.
I don't remember if you bounce posts with attachments or not ( I use a Mac
so it's not really a problem for me).
So, I would clamp it all down if I were you and unless you need a hobby I
wouldn't get in the middle having to moderate posts.
Michael Heth
Carry Only One Hammer :
Stick with what you know and travel light; if you only carry a hammer then
all problems are nails.
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