[ba] Help-recomendation needed.

Don Daniel d2daniel at hotcoco.infi.net
Tue May 14 19:20:13 EDT 2002

Need a recommendation for Auto Transmission Assistance.
Local dealer, Livermore Audi wants $220 up front for doing no repair
(diagnostic fee).  Seems a bit much.
1993 100S 70K  Had this one about 8 months.  Suddenly downshifted on the
Freeway Sunday.  Pulled off the first ramp, it stalled at the stop sign
but restarted right away. Stayed in 1st and would not shift up.  Stopped
again and presto, now everything is normal and has been ever since.  I
could ignore this and keep my fingers crossed but it does seem like it
might be trying to tell me something so I thought I'd better get it
checked out.
Any ideas, suggestions.  Any BTDTs.
Thanks in advance,
Don Daniel

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