[ba] RE: help! need a little salvage title advice, if anyone knows..

Buchholz, Steven Steven.Buchholz at kla-tencor.com
Thu May 30 16:41:40 EDT 2002

... I don't think this is at all the issue ... if someone has a car that is
in drivable condition and does not pose any safety risk to the
owner/driver/passengers or others I can't see any reason an insurance
company can or should even attempt to try to place a salvage title on that
vehicle.  The "total loss" cop out which the insurance companies are allowed
to use should only come into play when a policyholder attempts to make a
claim for the repair of their own vehicle ... which is not at all what is
happening here from what I read.  If this happened to me I would first try
to find out why the insurance company felt it had a need (duty?) to do this
... and if they didn't have a good explanation and were not willing to
change things, I'd go to the insurance commissioner, my elected
representatives and the governor (I actually got some action on a screwup
the DMV had on my driving record from a copy of the letter sent to the DMV
which I sent to the governor!)

I can go on a long time about my feelings about the insurance company's
right to determine how much my vehicle is worth and how much money they must
be required to spend to restore it to its original condition ... but I'd
better not get started there ... :-)

Good luck Jim!
Steve Buchholz
San Jose, CA (USA)
> I believe in some cases you can fight against the insurance
> company to have
> your car not salvaged if you bring them a quote for the used
> door from a
> pick and pull lot and the paint. Most insurance company's
> will usually only
> go price markup from a dealership for your door and dealership paint
> blending and all of that so im sure if you bring them quote's
> from something
> a little bit cheaper they shouldnt care as much to salvage
> out your car.
> -Johnny
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