[ba] OT- hardware help

Buchholz, Steven Steven.Buchholz at kla-tencor.com
Wed Nov 6 18:51:03 EST 2002

... I haven't been there for a long time, so things may have changed ... but
there was a place called "Mr. Metric" near where 101 and 880 meet ... they
had an incredible supply of metric fasteners.  I think that now there are a
bunch of similar operations which are on the WWW ...

Steve Buchholz
San Jose, CA (USA)
 >  I've been trying to get a few metric bolts for a
 >  motorcycle from the dealership, and it looks like they
 >  will never show up. Can anybody on this list recommend
 >  a hardware store with a really good selection? OSH
 >  comes close but not quite. I'm looking for M6x90
 >  flange head bolts. I'll drive anywhere in the bay area
 >  if it will help get this damn bike out of my garage!

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