[ba] ADMIN: List changes

Buchholz, Steven Steven.Buchholz at kla-tencor.com
Thu Nov 6 12:20:51 EST 2003

I don't know if everyone on the list was copied with Dan's notice.  The old
server that was handling the "mailman" lists has been running out of steam
... the lists have been going down due to running out of storage fairly
regularly over the past few days.  Last night Dan switched the lists over to
a new server.  As far as I know everything is up and working fine, but I
can't access my usual ports into the server to administrate the list ... or
even the link that allows me to check my own subscriptions!

As far as I know everything is back up and running, but I have not seen a
post.  It also appears that the archives for some of the lists are down ...
but some are up!

Steve Buchholz
Audifans ba-group listmeister

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