[Ba-group] JC Whitney 20% off PDF Coupon

audion at serversmiths.com audion at serversmiths.com
Sat Nov 22 11:38:27 EST 2003

On Friday, November 21, 2003, at 12:46 PM, Dan Hamren wrote:

> Maybe so.. but like I said on the original post, you have to call the 
> order in...

Yes, fine, my point was that you need a throwaway address available if 
they require an email, because it will get on spam lists. If you use a 
fairly useful address it will become less useful from the spam. I was 
surprised that they did it because so far they are the only one (online 
retailer) who has flipped my address on to others. But with their 
catalog marketing onslaught it makes sense.

20 points off is a good deal.


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