[ba] Coupe stopping intermittently,

audion at serversmiths.com audion at serversmiths.com
Sat May 15 22:30:23 EDT 2004

On Saturday, May 15, 2004, at 04:00 PM, Ti Kan wrote:

> The original fuel pump relay socket has the ignition signal.  Since
> that is not a high current line it is most likely still working fine.

Yes, after sending the prior email I checked out the schematic and the 
coil and can see the 2 black wires one of which supplies the current to 
the fuel pump relay. I think that is the trace that is intermittent 
inside the panel as I also gave the relay 12V to simulate the 12V from 
the ignition switch and still no 12V output to the fuel pump.

So I will run a jumper from the coil signal to the relay and if it 
starts working I will go to the trouble to find it on the backside of 
the relay panel and take the signal from there.

I don't know about later Audis but that's a very big pile of spilled 
spaghetti back behind the panel. Hope they do a better job these days.

By the way does anyone know if the signal from the coil is just DC or 
is it AC based on the coil firing?



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