[ba] how active is the bay area audi group?

Ti Kan ti at amb.org
Thu Oct 14 00:27:35 EDT 2004

robert weinberg writes:
> just curious as to how active you guys are? do you do
> weekend drives, picnics, autocross, drags, etc?
> my wife LOVES her 1997 audi A4. she loves to talk
> about audis and cars in general. i think she'd really
> dig getting together with you all.

This particular list isn't too active apart from the occasional
lunch get-togethers, etc., and seems to consist of people who own
older Audis.  However, there are other Audi enthusiast groups in the
area.  There is the Golden Gate chapter of the Audi Club North America
( http://www.audiclubgoldengate.org/ ) and the NorCal Audi Club
( http://www.norcalaudiclub.org/ ).  There are also local gtgs of people
from the http://www.audiworld.com forums.

Ti Kan
Vorsprung durch Technik

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