[ba] SJ Grand Prix GTG?

Matt twentyV matt_20v at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 19 16:48:38 EDT 2005

No, there aren't any Audis, but there will be some
great racing downtown and I'm sure a few of you will
be going.  We will be there all 3 days.  Wondering if
there is any interest in a GTG of some sort?  One
suggestion would be to meet at the Tied House on San
Pedro early Saturday afternoon.  The Champ car
qualifying is 2-3, and the Trans-AM race starts at 4. 
 So the idea would be to grab some lunch and a few
cool ones at the Tied house, then walk over for the
qualifying session.  There is a parking deck right
across San Pedro from the brewpub, and additional pay
lots nearby.

Saturday will be more relaxed than Sunday, but I'm
open to suggestions.  We'll be down there Friday
afternoon as well.  Other possible rendezvous points
would be the Britannia Arms or the Mission Ale House
on Santa Clara, or Henrys HiLife behind the arena.  


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