[ba] Re: [s-cars] 80tq Update: 516 wheel hp, 450 wheel TQ

Mike LaRosa mrmotoguzzi00 at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 3 07:08:45 EST 2005

I just loved listening to it on those moivies you made
:)  Excellent.

Must be a blast to rip thru the gears :)


--- JShadzi at aol.com wrote:
> Hey Calvin,
> I do believe this to be an accurate measurement of
> Torque and HP, granted  
> there is the whole "dyno accuracy to flywheel
> extrapolation" issue, but that  
> withstanding, this is an accurate measurement of TQ
> to HP.
> The reality is that there is just no way to force
> this much air through a  
> 2.3l motor at low RPM.  There are realities that
> dictate what the power  band 
> will look like, realistically this motor needs solid
> lifters, cams and  a 
> redline of 9krpm.
> This isn't an attempt to build a real streetable,
> torquey motor, this is an  
> experiment in pushing limits.  If and when the time
> comes that I get really  
> serious about "driving" this car, I will put back in
> the 034EFI HO hybrid and  
> make this power curve: 
> _http://www.80tq.com/images/20vt/80tq_455whp.jpg_ 
> (http://www.80tq.com/images/20vt/80tq_455whp.jpg) 
> Also, don't be deceived by how much power this motor
> is really making, 300  
> HP and TQ at 5100rpm, the power increases
> dramatically and makes the rest of 
> the  curve look small, but calculate the sheer
> amount of power under this curve, 
> and  its easy to understand how blisteringly fast
> this car is, even with a 
> low  redline of 7500rpm.  A shift out of 500 wheel
> HP puts you back into 300+  
> wheel HP, even with the stock gearing.
> Regardless, I want to emphasize that this isn't a
> project for TQ and low  rpm 
> street driving, I hope to continue to push the
> limits of how much air can be  
> forced through this motor.
> Thanks!
> Javad
> In a message dated 3/2/2005 10:52:51 P.M. Pacific
> Standard Time,  
> calvinlc at earthlink.net writes:
> Javad,
> Well this is definitely pretty impressive but I am 
> wondering if that graph
> really depicts reality, i.e. 2 times as much torque 
> at 5600 rpm vs. 4700 rpm
> and a "redline" of 7500 then you would need a  tight
> ratio tranny to take
> advantage of all of it and you would be doing  alot
> of shifting.  This looks
> like the perfect engine to mate to a  CVT.  Cruise
> at 3300 rpm on the highway
> and when the throttle gets  mashed spin to 5600 rpm
> and just hold it there
> while the tranny adjusts the  gearing.  That would
> be pretty exciting!
> Also, I am wondering if  you have done any
> comparisons with the other high HP
> cars around here that  aren't quite as "peaky" but
> also don't put out as much
> peak power power, is  the area under the curve
> approximately the same from
> 3500 rpm  on?
> Definitely the highest numbers I have seen from an
> I-5 without  factory
> backing, as far as peaks  go.
> Congrats.
> --Calvin
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