[ba] recs for best Audi sleeper the last 10 years?

Arun Rao rao at pixar.com
Wed Nov 1 11:45:59 EST 2006

In my mind, the hands-down winner in the sleeper category would be a  
'96 (95.5?) S6, either sedan or avant.  Pretty much bullet-proof  
turbo I-5 (engine code AAN, I believe), stock 227 BHP, easily  
chippable to the 300 BHP range.  I have the predecessor, a '91  
200Q20V, now at 195K, and still my daily driver.

Not that these will be easy to find, mind you.

 From all I hear, the Allroad is troublesome.  You're better off with  
an S4: I know that other people have had trouble with theirs, but  
mine hasn't given me any in the five years I've had it.


'91 200Q (195K)
'00 S4 (82K)
'04 A4 (45K)

On Nov 1, 2006, at 8:20 AM, Michael Heth wrote:

> Say Folks,
> I'm entertaining the idea of a new(er) Audi, something between 1995
> and maybe 2002. Anyone have any recommendations for something that
> was unappreciated and is maybe a great buy because of it.
> Are the S4 a lot more maintenance due to the higher performance? or
> just the same as an A4?
> I like the Allroads but a friend had one and said he had ongoing
> small issues and didn't buy out the lease due to that. But if in
> general the Allroads are known to be as good as the other models I
> would lean towards one of those.
> Any and all advice/tips/info is appreciated.
> Thanks,
> M./
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