[ba] Fw: SEMA Urgent Legislative Alert: California Lawmaker Trying to Sneak by a Bill to Require...

Steven B urq222 at ymail.com
Wed Aug 27 17:10:24 PDT 2008

I suppose some folks here are like me ... NONE of the Audis I own are new than 15 model years old.  It is frustrating enough to have to go in every other year for a SMOG check, and now California is trying to sneak in a change to make it every year.  I hope every California audifan will deem this important enough to take a few minutes to have your voice heard on this subject.  If you are interested in preserving your rights as an owner of older vehicles you might want to consider joining SEMA.

Steve Buchholz
San Jose, CA (USA)

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Immediate Action Needed!  
California Lawmaker Trying to Sneak by a Bill to Require ANNUAL Emissions Tests for Vehicles 
15-Years Old and Older 
Committee Hearing set for August 28. Call Now!!!
In an effort to avoid public scrutiny, California Assemblyman Dave Jones (Assemblymember.jones at assembly.ca.gov) has amended a completely unrelated bill with language to require annual Smog check inspections for vehicles 15-years old and older..  This represents an obvious attempt to sneak through legislation in the closing days of the legislative session that had been previously defeated (A..B. 616).  The new bill is designated as A.B. 3053.
While pre-1976 motor vehicles would remain exempt under existing California law, this proposal ignores the fact that vehicles 15-years old and older still constitute a small portion of the overall vehicle population and are a poor source from which to look for emissions reduction.  Furthermore, the bill would direct that the funds generated through annual inspection fees be used to scrap older cars.  This represents another attempt by California legislators and regulators to scapegoat older cars.
This is the type of activity that fuels distrust in public officials.  SEMA caught this lawmaker’s underhanded attempt to circumvent public process and is now calling on you to help defeat A..B 3053 before it’s too late.  
Time is of the Essence!  We Urge You to Call the California Senate Appropriations Committee (List Below) Immediately to Oppose A.B. 3053

California Senate Appropriations Committee
Senator Tom Torlakson – Chair
Phone: 916/651-4007
Email: senator.torlakson at sen.ca.gov
Senator Dave Cox
Phone: 916/651-4001
Email: senator.cox at sen.ca.gov
Senator Sam Aanestad
Phone: 916/651-4004
Email: senator.aanestad at sen.ca.gov
Senator Roy Ashburn
Phone: 916/651-4018
Email: senator.ashburn at sen.ca.gov
Senator Gilbert Cedillo
Phone: 916/651-4022
Email: senator.cedillo at sen.ca.gov
Senator Ellen Corbett
Phone: 916/651-4010
Senator Robert Dutton
Phone: 916/651-4031
Email: senator.dutton at sen.ca.gov
Senator Dean Florez
Phone: 916/651-4016
Email: senator.florez at sen.ca.gov
Senator Sheila Kuehl
Phone: 916/651-4023
Email: senator.kuehl at sen.ca.gov
Senator Jenny Oropeza
Phone: 916/651-4028
Senator Mark Ridley-Thomas
Phone: 916/651-4026
Senator George Runner
Phone: 916/651-4017
Email: senator.runner at sen.ca.gov
Senator Joe Simitian
Phone: 916/651-4011 
Email: senator.simitian at sen.ca.gov
Senator Mark Wyland
Phone: 916/651-4038 
Senator Leland Yee
Phone: 916/651-4008

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