[ba] any good bay area shops on on weekends?

Arun Rao rao at pixar.com
Sun Jul 6 10:14:09 PDT 2008

You want phosphate-free anti-freeze, but you can get that at any car  
parts store -- nothing special.  I *really* wouldn't run just water in  
the car.

I never changed transmission fluid on the car voluntarily, except when  
I had some work done on the transmission itself.

If you commute to Mill Valley, you presumably pass Point Richmond  
often.  I use Autopoint Motors regularly, and I trust Art Butradee,  
the owner.  He worked on my 200 whenever I didn't have the time  
myself.  The number is (510) 232-0000.


On Jul 6, 2008, at 10:06 AM, robert weinberg wrote:

> i live in oakland but work in mill valley. i'd like to get my  
> 200q20v an oil change as well as change the transmission fluid to  
> (redline synthetic? - used it in my SHO) and check the differential  
> fluid.
> also, it looks like it has the correct anti-freeze in the car -  
> looks like radioactive green ;-) it's a little low though - can i  
> just mix it with water or do i have to use the anti-freeze (the  
> G0...something stuff). i used to largely run water in my SHO - we  
> live in CA, no temperature extremes.
> i know of fix-it-all shops open on the weekend, but i don't want any  
> Fram oil filters on the car ;-)
> thanks,
> Robby
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