[ba] Club Auto Sport

Chris Maresca ckm at crust.net
Tue Oct 21 19:20:34 PDT 2008

I used to have a spot in something similar.  Me and 5 others left and 
rented our own shop space.   There are at least 6 other similar 
facilities in the Bay Area, the most famous one being Dream Garage.

There are two problems with this sort of thing.  Either it's way too 
expensive (like $1500/month for one car) or its so cheap that the wrong 
kind of people wind up there and there are all sorts of problems.

We solved it by splitting a 3000 sq. ft. warehouse between 5 friends.   
We now have a fully equipped machine shop and fabrication facilities.   
Just about the only thing we can't do is paint, but there is a paint 
shop next door to us...


Steven B wrote:
> Anyone heard about Club Auto Sport?  I saw an ad for them just today ... interesting idea.  Here's a link:
>     http://www.clubautosport..net/home.html
> Not as though I will be renting a space there at this point in time though.  
> Steve B
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