[ba] Recommendations for a South bay area Test Only Smog shop?

Steve Buchholz urq222 at ymail.com
Wed Dec 16 21:34:16 PST 2009

Thanks for the quick feedback!  Agreed on the CARB/BAAQMD comments ... GRRRR!

One thing about the V8s is that they do best after getting the exhaust system warmed up, so a trip to Morgan Hill might be just what the doctor ordered.  

In response to Tony's note ... yes, you would think that was the case, but one place I took the car to couldn't get a reliable tach signal from the loop ... the guy tried all sorts of positions.  The thing I liked about the shop I was going to was that they already knew about the cats cooling off and instead of waiting to do the 3 minute high rev operation they let the engine run at higher RPMs for a little while before starting the initial test, so it passed the first time through.  

For the urq I need to swap bolts in place of the sending units on the upper radiator flange for the WC turbo.  John Brasil told me the place that did the test for him mentioned this, but he was able to convince them it wasn't anything to worry about.  

----- Original Message -----
From: "John" <Audi-Fans at BackYardEngineering.com>
To: "Steve Buchholz" <urq222 at ymail.com>
Cc: ba-group at audifans.com, smogtamer at netzero.com
Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2009 10:11:28 AM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific
Subject: Re: [ba]  Recommendations for a South bay area Test Only Smog shop?

See below, I'm not affiliated, just a satisfied customer... :-)

As far as CARB, & BAAQMD goes, IMHO they'd only be happy if everything over 10
years old was scrapped...  :-/


Certified Auto Care, formerly Santa Clara County Smog Test Only
Gold Shield Station: Smog test & repair, Test Only and GP certification.
16540 Railroad Ave #180, Morgan Hill
Keith Bryant, (408)778-8550

Steve Buchholz wrote:
> I've got 3 cars that are in need of a test only smog run.  I found that my
> former favorite service provider (Captiol and Senter Roads) is closed down
> for a facelift on the associated gas station, I don't know if they'll even
> come back.  I'm looking for a test shop that knows what they are doing with
> older Audis ... before I found my last provider I was disappointed by several
> others who couldn't seem to run a test on a bone stock 1991 V8Q.
> In the ads I see it sounds like they now have an extra fee for older cars ...
> so much for the CARB's promise to keep testing prices reasonable for older
> cars ...
> TIA!
> Steve Buchholz


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