[ba] 1993 Audi S4 for under $5,000. what's wrong with it?

Mike Veglia msvphoto at pacbell.net
Thu Oct 22 10:26:31 PDT 2009

There was another inexpensive S4 recently on Craigslist in Santa Cruz that was just a bit over $3k from a private party and it looked pretty clean too. I'm also somewhat in shock, but it is the economy that has brought the price of a whole bunch of exciting used cars down very low these days. Like the Ur-Q, Ur-S4s and S6s are an almost unknown to the masses which brings resale value way down for what you get (a great thing for buyers, not so good for sellers).

It doesn't sound like you did too bad with the 200q20v so enjoy it! I too lust after an Ur-S4 (or S6, or even a 200q20v) but for now due to financial impairment the only turbo I get to enjoy is my '83 Ur-Q. Looks like there may be some great deals to be had.

Mike Veglia

From: robert weinberg <centaurus3200 at yahoo.com>
To: ba-group at audifans.com
Sent: Thursday, October 22, 2009 10:01:10 AM
Subject: Re: [ba] 1993 Audi S4 for under $5,000. what's wrong with it?

yeah, i guess i'm still bitter that i blew $2,800 on my 200q20v. at the time, it appeared it needed paint (roof is faded), tires and shocks. it only have 110k miles plus 17" A4 rims. recent work were new UFOs, timing belt, bomb, radiators plus full maintenance records.

well, thousands of dollars in maintenance (and some mods) later, it still needs paint. LOL! 

see ya,

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