[ba] urq help for QWer?

k1drbar k1drbar at pacbell.net
Tue Apr 13 15:21:46 PDT 2010

Well, with the exception of the driver's side front quarter panel the paint is in very good shape.  I had suspicions that the car was in an accident at the front corner (even though Carlsen assured me it was not damaged).  Since I had the engine swapped out the car lost its spot in the garage ... so there's been other things that have deteriorated ... most notably the rear wing & dash cover.  

Even though the car has an MC-2 installed, under the hood it looks completely the same as it did when I got it.  Eventually I'll incorporate the MAC-14, but for now the guy on the forum could look at mine.  If he brought his car I could tell him what was and was not original.  Depending on where he's located there will be others who he could visit.  Tony Lum is up in Berkeley, his urq is pretty unmolested (so far :).  He could always drive the car down to the Esplanade in Aptos early on a Saturday morning and get the car scrutinized by a number of urq experts.

It is great to hear that Dan was able to find something ... in fact I just started as an employee this week myself.  The consulting stuff was great for flexibility, but benefits and consistency left a bit to be desired ... 

Steve Buchholz


Hey Steve, how faded is the Mars? J
Wish I still had my qsw...but the S4 has
been a trooper.  I already had him check out the AF url.  If he doesn’t
join in...his loss.  But he’s planning an engine conversion and
wants only to take a look at the bay.
For your effort, I have attached a couple lil’
Mouton pics...
PS:  Dan S is still shopping for IT
jobs in the area, if you hear anything...
dtdaily at yahoo.com
Derek Daily
GM / Advanced
Senju Comtek
Corp. ( Americas )
1999 S.Bascom Ave. Suite 340
Campbell, CA 95008
(408) 963-5310
(408) 209-1919


Hey there Derek!  Good to see you on the group ... 

I'm in so many NorCal groups ... I really don't care for forums ... I'll check
out the site, but I don't think I'll be able to respond.  Have the person
plug in to the urq group on audifans ... 



Hello AF BAGgers, 

I see some familiar names.  

Steve B, this is an old red syncro wagon owner who met with you and Tomas on
occasion. Hope all has been well. There's a norcal urq owner looking for
some help in the way of simply reviewing the engine bay.

You could find his post on the quattroworld NorCal page as "Pre95"


If you or any other urq folk could give him a looksie this may provide
seconds or even minutes worth of good audi carma (sic)...

PS:  Matt, stop skiing...

Derek Daily

Ex-86 qsw

Ex-90 CQ

Ex-98 A4

'01 S4 avant (170k)

'07 Q7 3.6 (more issues than just about all these above it, lol...)

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