[ba] FW: urq help for Pre95?

Johnny a.pre95 at gmail.com
Thu Apr 15 09:52:40 PDT 2010

Hey Steve,

We have actually met, about a lifetime ago down in Mtn. View/Sunnyvale
picking up some burgers with Javad and a few others (Clarks was it?).
Probably.. 10 years ago now? 8 years? It's definitely been awhile!
Back then I was driving a gutted half track car of a white 4000
quattro.. starting to feel aged now... I am located up in South San
Francisco, kind of near the SFO area. I have joined the ur-q mailing
list as well, and tracked down several ur-q specific forums & owners
clubs that seem to be full of useful information.

I normally wake ~4-5am on the weekends. Work has me in the office by
as early as 4am on weekdays so a 3:30am start for me is pretty normal.
I may try to make it down to the coffee shop this weekend to give a
look-see. Aptos is about an hour drive for me, not too bad for the
sake of research (and considering the female is wedding dress shopping
that day, perfect excuse to make my self scarce).

Thanks again for all of the help, as I had expected the ur-quattro
enthusiasts seem to be a tight nit group here in the states. Bringing
one home is a literal dream come true for me, I look forward to saving
the ol' girl :)


On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 7:19 AM, k1drbar <k1drbar at pacbell.net> wrote:
> Welcome aboard Johnny!
> BTW, there's also a techie heavy urq list on audifans ... the ba-group list
> sits idle most of the time (unfortunately).
> Whereabouts in the Bay Area are you located?  I'm pretty much at the
> southern end of the area (South San Jose) ... there are others sprinkled
> just about everywhere.
> If you can hit the road very early on a Saturday morning you can hook up
> with a number of people who are quite familiar with the urq at the "Full of
> Beans" coffee shop on the Esplanade in Aptos, and likely see one there.  If
> I could I'd be there every week (as several other folks are).  It is great
> to have a relaxing drive over 17 and nerd Audis and
> cars/motorcycles/whatever at the beach ... some folks are known to drive
> down to the Moss Landing PnP afterwards ...
> Steve Buchholz

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