[ba] Mystery fluid leakage -- '04 A4 1.8T

Matt twentyV matt_20v at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 31 10:02:50 PST 2010

that's what I was thinking too.  Look for tell-tale pinkish white crusts that will identify the source of the leak.  Usual culprits are the afterrun pump, the expansion tank, and the radiator.


--- On Fri, 12/31/10, Brian Devlin <nilvednairb at yahoo.com> wrote:

> From: Brian Devlin <nilvednairb at yahoo.com>
> Subject: Re: [ba] Mystery fluid leakage -- '04 A4 1.8T
> To: "Bay Area Audi Group" <ba-group at audifans.com>
> Date: Friday, December 31, 2010, 9:26 AM
> Coolant feels oily sometimes- have
> you tried to mix it with water? I usually 
> just get a bit of any mystery fluid on my finger and then
> drip some water on it. 
> Oil repels water 100%, coolant mixes, DOT 3&4 brake
> fluid mixes slowly. 
> I don't think any other fluids are pink on that car - maybe
> the gear oil, if 
> it's synthetic (a lot of Redline oils are pink). 
> -Brian
> ________________________________
> From: Arun Rao <rao at pixar.com>
> To: ba-group at audifans.com
> Sent: Thu, December 30, 2010 12:00:37 PM
> Subject: [ba] Mystery fluid leakage -- '04 A4 1.8T
> Folks,
> My son's 2004 A4 recently started doing two things, which
> *might* be unrelated:
> * Dripping clear oil 
> * Losing coolant
> Both of these things started happening soon after he
> changed the oil and 
> replaced the stock exhaust with a Magnaflow. 
> The oil seems to be very clean, almost clear, but with a
> slight pinkish tinge to 
> it. Is manual transmission fluid pink? Never heard of it
> leaking.
> We've checked for obvious leaks (engine oil, brake and
> hydraulic fluids -- none 
> of which are pink anyway), but found none.  None of them
> are particularly low, 
> except for the coolant.
> The timing belt was overdue (96K), so I had it changed
> along with the water 
> pump, but it looks like we're still losing coolant.
> I'm baffled. Any tips would be appreciated ...
> -Arun
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