[ba] Fw: I guess the water pump decided to go on strike

Brian Devlin nilvednairb at yahoo.com
Sat Oct 16 19:39:47 PDT 2010

I agree. It's extremely rare for a water pump to stop pumping while the drive 
belt spins. Check your heater hoses - if they're getting hot then the pump is 

From: Chris Maresca <ckm at crust.net>
To: ba-group at audifans.com
Sent: Sat, October 16, 2010 1:47:33 PM
Subject: Re: [ba] I guess the water pump decided to go on strike

It could also just be your thermostat staying shut.  I think it's at the 
end of the hose that goes into the block on the driver's side.  It's a 
pain because of tight space, but not as bad as the water pump.

If it's the water pump (which usually leaks through the bearing, it 
doesn't fail entirely), it's behind the timing belt and you should do it 
at the same time.  If the pump has been leaking, it will likely have 
damaged the belt and you have to take it off anyway...  IRC, I can do 
both a timing belt & water pump in 2-3 hours, but I've also done it 3-4 
times and have the appropriate tools.  The book rate is 4 hours, 
although it's possible my memory is failing.

The biggest b*tch was the allen bolts on the lower cover, IRC.  They 
seem to like rusting fast, I had to drill one out.  They also go through 
some oil galleys, which means you can't leave them out at all (not that 
you should).

If you decide to DIY, I've got the factory timing belt tools (other than 
the lower crank seal tool...) - you're welcome to borrow them.  You 
should probably also plan to back-flush your cooling system while you 
have it open.


On 10/16/10 11:01 AM, Michael Heth wrote:
> Well,
> The Coupe is overheating really quickly (heats up in 1/3 the time it
> used to) but the bottom of the radiator in not getting even warm so I
> assume my water pump is toast.
> As I remember from old past posts, this is going to be a major deal
> for me to R&R, isn't it.
> Thanks for any tips/advice.
> M./
> Michael Heth
> classic_coupe at serversmiths.com
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