[ba] No Audi Content--Need Help With Finding Engine or Heads for Toyota T100

Michael Veglia msvphoto at pacbell.net
Wed Jan 12 19:08:10 PST 2011

Sorry for the no Audi content, but I thought someone out there in Bay Area Audi 
land might be able to help...

Our 1995 Toyota T100 had sudden massive head gasket failure at 159k miles in 
late December with no overheat prior that I thought/hoped would be a routine 
HG/valve job. Well, as routine as it gets...this thing is easy to work on, but 
still takes a lot of time and I'm working on it outdoors. Anyway, after pulling 
the heads last weekend I got word from the machine shop today that both heads 
are cracked.

So, now I'm looking for either a pair of good heads, or maybe a whole engine, 
for this truck. It is a 5VZ-FE 3.4l V6. They are found in 1995 through early 
2000s T100s, Tacomas, and Tundras.

The Audi content is we really need this truck to come back to life and 
(hopefully) be reliable ASAP because my wife uses it for gardening work and 
she's using our allroad as a work truck. 


Mike Veglia

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