[ba] anyone going to monterey [historics] this weekend?

Steven B urq222 at ymail.com
Tue Aug 14 13:13:33 PDT 2012

Holy Moly!  It seems I've lost touch here too!  
You've got to be able to pick up tickets at the gate.  I'm going to be off on Friday ... perhaps I'll take the bike down and get tickets for the day ($50!) with the "Rev Limiter" package ... used to be you could get 2 day weekend tickets for that amount!  Any others thinking about Friday?
Steve Buchholz

From: Dan Simoes <dan at simoes.us>
To: ba-group at audifans.com 
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2012 11:12 AM
Subject: [ba] anyone going to monterey this weekend?

Kind of last minute, but was thinking about making a day trip with my son.
Looks like tickets are no longer available on the site but there are some
on craigslist.

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