[ba] Fwd: Original '91 5-speed with 4.2 swap going to wrecking yard

Steve B urq at pacbell.net
Thu Aug 1 15:22:10 PDT 2013

Perhaps someone local might have a hankering for Gerry Skulley's factory 5-speed V8Q (which has a 4.2 installed and wrung out) for restoration our parting out.  The car is located in Aptos.

I'm also looking to thin my herd a bit ... I've also got a '91 5-speed V8Q that is mostly sorted and runs well, but is not registered and would likely cost a bunch at the DMV to make completely legal.

Steve Buchholz

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Original '91 5-speed with 4.2 swap going to wrecking yard
From: Steve B <urq at pacbell.net>
To: "V8 at Audifans. Com" <v8 at audifans.com>

I saw Gerry's car the other day ... sure it looks rough, but it is still a rare California car (IIRC).  He is talking about sending it to the wrecker soon.  It sure seems to me it would be a good candidate for someone to part out (wish I had room to do the party out myself), if not to restore.

Steve Buchholz

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