[BiturboS4] Turbos & Warm-up

Philip Pace pjpace at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 29 08:49:30 EDT 2002

Excellent. Thanks.

Oh, when you say, 'warm up' are you talking about the oil temp or the engine
temp? I'm really easy on the engine until it's warmed up (couple minutes), and
I don't built positive boost until the oil is warmed up (10-15 minutes). Is
that about right? Thanks again

--- "Edwards, Dave" <Dave_Edwards at iOra.com> wrote:
> Phil,
> The turbos are "spooled" i.e. turning, ALL THE TIME. They only stop when the
> engine is off. Whilst your boost gauge is 0 or negative, the diverter valves
> are open, so all the air flowing out of the intercoolers is immediately
> sucked back into the turbo inlet.
> Positive boost occurs when you open the throttle, the diverter valves close,
> so that pressure can build up in the inlet manifold.
> Yes, using a boost gauge will help you be gentle on the turbos during
> warm-up, but only as a guide, not a rule. It is engine revs which really
> count, as the rotational speed of the turbos is pretty much related to
> engine speed for most of the range.
> I have no firm rule for warm-up, but I generally avoid revving above about
> 4000, and try to keep the boost below about 0.5 bar until warmed up. I admit
> that I sometimes use boost above 0.5 bar for short bursts whilst the engine
> is still 'cold', but only sparingly.
> Dave
> Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2002 07:45:37 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Philip Pace <pjpace at yahoo.com>
> Well this is a nice time to ask, since had been wondering about this for a
> while. So I got a boost gauge and while I'm in the warm up period, I keep it
> at 0 or below. BUT, when it's at 0 (which it does a lot), that means that
> the turbos are spooled, just not creating boost? If so, is this an ok
> situation or should I stay with as little pressure as possible? TIA
>      -Phil P.

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