[BiturboS4] A plastic flap... but what does it do?

John M. Harrison JohnMH at uwyo.edu
Wed Jul 24 18:14:28 EDT 2002

My salesman actually told me it is a sun-blocking device for the little
space between the top of the windshield and the top of the rear view.

I need to know where the deer-deflection force-field activator switch is
located, Green-man.  I nailed one dead center front down near Collbran,
Colorado a couple weeks ago.  My baby S4 is in the body shop at Glenwood
Springs, CO for $5800 worth of repairs to the front as a result.

I'll be putting on those little deer warning whistles when I get it
back.  My dad swears by them and gave me a pair last Xmas, but I
procrastinated putting them on being unsure how they would look or where
to locate them.  My guess is they will look better most anywhere than
the front of my car does at this moment.

Careful of those critters, fellow S4 drivers.  I think the deer whistles
- as funky as the idea sounds - may be worth a try.  A stylish behind
the grill mounting might be possible.

Soon to be S4ing again in Wyoming after repairs.

John M. Harrison
University of Wyoming
Space Management Office
Facilities Planning
johnmh at uwyo.edu

-----Original Message-----
From: Walter J Green Jr [mailto:vr6pilot at hotmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 8:07 AM
To: andy at palomar.demon.co.uk; biturbos4 at audifans.com
Subject: Re: [BiturboS4] A plastic flap... but what does it do?

that flap is directly connected to the fetzer valve, and it can be
from that point. With the right tool of course.

I believe it also connects to the time-portal interface, as well as the
coninuum flux drive.


In other words, I have no idea.  :D

'01 S4
Irreverant Imola Sexiness

>From: Andy Turner <andy at palomar.demon.co.uk>
>To: biturbos4 at audifans.com
>Subject: [BiturboS4] A plastic flap... but what does it do?
>Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2002 12:50:27 +0100
>After having my S4 for 8 months or so, I finally noticed that there's
>a little flap that comes down and doesn't appear to do a great deal.
>It's close to the rear view mirror, next to the two little red LEDs
>that shine down onto the gearknob area. What's it for? The only thing
>I can think of is an attempt to block out the sun from the little gap
>you get when both sun visors are down, but if that's it, then it's a
>pretty poor effort that would only really work if you were sat in the
>middle of the car, not in either seat!
>Any idea?
>BiturboS4 mailing list
>BiturboS4 at audifans.com

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