[BiturboS4] The New S4 = flatus

jysap at cs.com jysap at cs.com
Fri Sep 27 19:00:27 EDT 2002


Does your $1600 (USD) figure include hardware+installation. Where would I get the euro nav system hardware - my local Audi dealer? It just seems that $1600 for hardware+installation seems awful cheap. Quite frankly, I did flinch at the Avalon price, but I am ALWAYS LOOKING FOR A DEAL!  :)


Philip Pace <pjpace at yahoo.com> wrote:

>The U.S. one is just a little red box on the instrument cluster (no pictures,
>just red color). You control it from knobs and buttons next to the e-brake.
>Euro has an actual color screen. Sucks really, but waaaaaaaaaaaay better than
>     -Phil
>P.S. U.S. folk can install the Euro one for about $1600. Lot's of work, but
>saves you $900 vs. avalon. Sorry Zev (not like he hasn't significantly over
>charged me more than once).
>--- David <goodson at menta.net> wrote:
>> I don't know what's the difference between euro-nav and US-nav. I wasn't
>> looking for a nav when I bought my second-hand S4 (although I often use a
>> Garmin handheld GPS for biking and hiking) but the car had one. It's the one
>> with big screen (with TV) on the middle of the dashboard (and a second small
>> screen shared with the car's computer). Well, since then, I'm a bit pissed
>> off thinking that I will really miss it if my next car doesn't have it. Like
>> all those gadgets which suddenly become essentials in your life when you
>> discover them. Nav-systems are not essential, neither cellular phones or
>> Satellite TV... until you try them.
>> David. S4 Avant Abt - Barcelona - Spain.
>> -----Mensaje original-----
>> De: biturbos4-admin at audifans.com [mailto:biturbos4-admin at audifans.com]En
>> nombre de Philip Pace
>> Enviado el: Friday, September 27, 2002 6:48 PM
>> Para: Walter J Green Jr; ian at codrus.com; jysap at cs.com
>> CC: biturbos4 at audifans.com
>> Asunto: Re: [BiturboS4] The New S4 = flatus
>> You apparently have never used nav, or live such a boring repetitive life
>> that
>> you don't need it. At least once a week I go to a place I've never been and
>> I
>> need it. Used it TWICE just last night. I use it all the time to estimate
>> when
>> I'll be somewhere that I go to all the time (my girlfriend's for example)
>> -places I seldom actually think about ETAs for but go to often. Use it when
>> traffic gets bad: push the detour button and it finds a different route, and
>> almost always one that's clearer.
>> One time I was sitting, stuck in traffic going to a train station I hadn't
>> ever
>> been to but since I missed my usual train, I knew I could catch a different
>> line (though I had never been there; I used nav to tell me where it was).
>> Traffic had been flowing fine but suddenly STOPPED. I pulled way left in the
>> lane and saw it backed up for about half a mile (as far as I could see). I
>> clicked detour on the nav, hit 0.5 miles. Five seconds later, it took me
>> down
>> another street that ran parallel to the one I was on. Saved me EASILY 20
>> minutes, and made the difference between catching the backup train, or
>> having
>> to drive into the city and assuredly being late. Why didn't any of the other
>> people on the road know about the shortcut? Dunno, but there was NO ONE on
>> that
>> side road. You'd think someone would try it sometime. Nav knew about it and
>> took me there.
>> Or when the expressway is backed up, I'll just enter my home address (saved
>> in
>> memory, so it takes one second to access) to get a general idea of where I'm
>> going. Then I'll head down the side streets and let nav make its
>> suggestions.
>> Or the fact that going from my house to my parents is a pretty easy route:
>> west, south, west, then south. All fast roads or highways. WRONG. Nav said
>> go
>> east, hit a different expressway then go west later on to meet up near the
>> end.
>> I went the way I knew, but looked at a map later on. You couldn't tell
>> unless
>> you were really studying it, but it is a bit faster the nav way. I tell all
>> the
>> people from my office who take the same route daily, and they say, "no, then
>> you have to backtrack." After trying the two different routes and timing it
>> and
>> mileaging it, they are wrong. They still don't beleive me, as human nature
>> just
>> doesn't like backtracking. Okay, if maybe it was five minutes a faster,
>> that's
>> ten minutes a day, and a over 40 hours a year of less traffic. You make
>> $60,000
>> a year, and that's $1200 of your time saved; the price of nav.
>> Having nav is like running all your routes through www.mapsonus.com. It gets
>> you there, and more often than you would expect, it finds a quicker route
>> (not
>> necessarily easier, but that's why it talks you through the trip).
>> I will never buy a car without it, and am considering upgrading to the
>> Euro-Nav.
>> --- Walter J Green Jr <vr6pilot at hotmail.com> wrote:
>> > >HEY! My primary criteria was a nav system. I found the cars that had one
>> of
>> > >those and that was my evoked set. And I don't take offence to being
>> called
>> > >panty-lick.
>> > >
>> >
>> > nav is a joke. no real man even looks at nav.
>> >
>> > <pffft!>
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