[BiturboS4] Loss of an S4 and new cars

California Fields cfields72 at hotmail.com
Sat Apr 12 10:10:57 EDT 2003

[ Converted text/html to text/plain ]

Erik, maybe Audi will give you enough money so that you can get into a new S4!
Then you can tell us all about it :)

Speaking of other cars, I had a chance to drive a friend's E36 M3 yesterday.
It was fun as hell ripping around town in the twisties. His rear Toyos were
nearly bald, but it was amazing driving a car that oversteers.  Great balance
and the engine pulls to 7k rpm (had Dinan chip and UUC exhaust). Nonetheless,
I could tell immediately that the car was slower than my chipped S4 (butt
dynometer). The handling/balance made up for the "slowness" though. I now know
I that I need to upgrade my stock S4 suspension to compete.
Carter Fields, San Francisco
2001.5, GIAC-X, Miltek 3" cat-back, Strat. shifter, Strat. DVs, A-pillar boost
>From: "Erik J. Engstrom"
>Subject: [BiturboS4] RE: Clipping inappropriate content, Audi USA update and
Loss of an S4
>Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2003 13:24:04 -0500
>Please people,
>If you're going to show off your unwelcome opinions about politics, could
>you at LEAST CLIP YOUR REPLIES? It's bad enough having to read really "off
>topic" posts once on this thread, much less six times in one digest.
>By the way - Audi USA indicated their intent to buy back my S4. I'm waiting
>on the initial offer, but I expect it to be a very paltry show of
>"goodwill". I will post more as my claim/law suit progresses.
>AND mrdezign, I felt a real sense of loss yesterday when they called and
>told me that. I don't want to seperate from my S4. Despite the 10 months of
>problems, five times as many days at the dealer than at home since then, I
>still love my car. I'm worried about finding a suitable replacement with
>enough warranty/stable repair history that I'll be comfortable and confident
>with it.
>Have a good day,
>BiturboS4 mailing list
>BiturboS4 at audifans.com

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