[Biturbos4] MAF warranty extended!

Michael Benno mbenno at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 3 09:25:48 EST 2003

yes, 2001 S4's and A62.7t had a different MAF sensor. It what a Hitachi Hot Wire technology, rather than the Bosch Hot film, and no they are not interchangeable.
Do you know if this warranty extention covered and A6 2.7t models? These cars has the same engine (and MAF) as the 2000 S4's
Mike Benno
2000 A6 2.7t

Bill Coleman <billc928 at earthlink.net> wrote:
Got a letter from Audi yesterday - seems they've decided
to extend the warranty on MAF sensors on 2000 S4s up
to 70k miles! There's also a reimbusement form if you
paid to have yours replaced - which I did this past summer.

The extension also applies to a number of other 2000-2001
models including A4s but not 2001-2002 S4s. Didn't the
S4 get a different MAF starting in 2001? Must be they're
acknowledging the early MAF has a problem.

2000 S4 6sp
2001 A4 Avant 1.8tq

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