[Biturbos4] RE: Recent run in with the car wash....

Aurangzeb M. Agha aagha at mltp.com
Tue Dec 23 17:44:42 EST 2003

Hi Ken --

Are the rims the stock Avus rims?


On Tue, 23 Dec 2003, ken kgrant wrote:

:took it in last weekend and when it came out the fron
:driver's wheel was scratched badly.  pointed it out to
:the owner of the car wash and he wanted to see if he
:could buff it out.  yeah right.
:but he did say he would replace it if he couldn't get
:the scratches out.
:does anyone know where i can get these rims at a
:reasonable price.  i could always go to the dealer and
:pay audi prices, i suppose.
:have a good holiday season!!!
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