2001 upgraded turbos (was: [Biturbos4] SHO Fans)
robert weinberg
centaurus3200 at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 30 18:07:39 EST 2003
the S4 motor has the k03 turbos, right? an upgraded
turbo is a k04, right?
with that said, anybody see the round up for the
ultimate streetcar challenge in sportcompact car?
you guys are famous! they have a 440 wheel HP S4 as
one of the contestants.
ofcourse, the little S4 is going up against a
supercharged viper, single turbo supras, BMW V12
powered ultima GTR, usual DSM rice rockets, etc.
good luck!
see ya,
--- Ti Kan <ti at amb.org> wrote:
> Chuck Etris writes:
> > Regarding the upgraded turbos on the S4 - I was
> told by someone who appeared
> > to be quite knowledgeable over on the vwvortex.com
> forum that ALL 2001 S4's
> > got the upgraded turbos with the larger oil
> passages or hoses or whatever.
> > There is a lot of conflicting information out
> there regarding the difference
> > between the 2000/2001/2001.5 models. One theory
> is the badge; if you have
> > the later badge then you have all of the upgrades
> and if you have the early
> > badge you have none. Another theory is the badge
> was merely a running
> > change, i.e. - when they ran out of the old badge
> they started putting on
> > the new badges, and it isn't necessarily tied
> directly to any turbo or hose
> > upgrades or f-hose removal, etc. Whatever. I
> think the key thing is not
> > romping on them before they are warmed up, proper
> cool down, and high
> > quality synthetic oil replaced at reasonable
> intervals.
> I was told that if your S4's ECU has the "M" suffix
> in its part number
> then you have the new upgraded turbos. You can of
> course open the
> box to look, but VAG-COM also shows that info. My
> S4 does show an
> M suffix, and has new style badges, but it's a 2001
> with a 10/00 build
> date, so I think I got the very first batch of the
> new turbos. I hope
> I'm really that "lucky" :)
> So far, no problems with the engine or turbos
> whatsoever (knock on wood).
> -Ti
> 2003 A4 1.8T multitronic
> 2001 S4 biturbo 6-sp
> 1984 5000S turbo
> 1980 4000 2.0 5-sp
> --
> R 1 3 5 Ti Kan
> |_|_|_| http://www.amb.org/ti
> | | | Vorsprung durch Technik
> 2 4 6
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