[BiturboS4] Stiff Steering

john sonty erhti at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 11 07:04:30 EST 2003


Not sure how much snow DC gets.. if anything like Chicago, I'd
strongly suggest some snow tires---there is no substitute.. I
can only imagine the "fun" that MN'ers have..

--- Derek Cheuk <dcheuk1 at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Sorry to hear about your trouble.  Unfortunately, quattro
> helps a lot for
> accelerating in slick conditions but does nothing in helping
> you stop.  I
> switch to snow tires each winter(I'm in chicago) but did it a
> little late
> this year.  We had a decent snow christmas eve and was amazed
> how quickly
> the ABS kicked in.  Few days later switched to my snow tires
> and stopping
> distance was much better next snow storm.
> >From: Josh Barone <joshuabarone at yahoo.com>
> >To: biturbos4 at audifans.com
> >Subject: [BiturboS4] Stiff Steering
> >Date: Sat, 8 Feb 2003 16:12:29 -0800 (PST)
> >
> >Damn,
> >
> >There was a snow storm here in DC a few nights ago and
> >I was being very carful however, I still have summer
> >tires and I slipped going down a hill going about 5
> >miles per hour. I'm switching to all seasons from now
> >on. I ended up hitting a curb sideways and knocked my
> >car out of alignment.  Well, I got the alignment fixed
> >at a local shop but now the steering wheel is very
> >stiff :(.  I don't know what it could be. Might be a
> >bend in the rack? Any help/adivce would be most
> >appreciated.
> >
> >-Josh
> >
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