[BiturboS4] Re: Diverter Upgrade

Eric Aasness eric.aasness at wamu.net
Fri Feb 14 10:48:19 EST 2003

Funny you should mention the clutch slipping.

I made similar improvements on my 2000 S4 (APR chip and Stratmosphere
Diverters) and my clutch started slipping under power.   My car has 50,000
miles on it and I'm pretty easy on the clutch, so I couldn't believe that I
didn't get more miles out of it.

When we pulled the old clutch, my suspicion was confirmed.  It still had
lots of life left in it, it just could not keep a grip with the new chip and

I replaced the stock clutch with an RS4 clutch and it's beautiful.

So now that I have the RS4 clutch, it would be a shame to waste all that
clamping power!

Any recommendations on dual exhaust systems???  K04's????

Eric Aasness
2000 S4, apr chip, stratmosphere diverters, stratmosphere short shifter, S8
----- Original Message -----
From: <biturbos4-request at audifans.com>
To: <biturbos4 at audifans.com>
Sent: Friday, February 14, 2003 9:01 AM
Subject: BiturboS4 digest, Vol 1 #269 - 1 msg

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> Today's Topics:
>    1. Diverter upgrade (Adam Schwartz)
> --__--__--
> Message: 1
> Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2003 22:47:07 -0500
> To: BiturboS4 at audifans.com
> From: Adam Schwartz <adamschwartz at rcn.com>
> Subject: [BiturboS4] Diverter upgrade
> Hello all,
> Just thought you all might be interested in my latest upgrade, and
> how I got it. My car is a 2000 S4, with an APR chip... Also of
> interest (you will see why latter) my clutch is still slipping a
> little. Will do that in a few months when it gets a little worse...
> Anyhow
> I convinced my shop that they should change my DV's and that they
> should use my after market warranty as much as possible. No problem
> they said... I wanted to go with the Bosch 100 sport DV. I have heard
> good things, and it was close enough to the real thing, that I
> figured my warranty wouldnt know the diff. they didnt... They paid,
> and now I have 2 new Bosche 100 sports... sorta for free.
> Definitely better. Turbo seems to spool up faster, or at least I feel
> the power faster. The car seems more responsive, more snappy.  A
> friend was in the car today and he said.. WOW.. that almost feels
> like the difference between the APR and the GIAC Xchip..  Dunno about
> that.. but it was an interesting response.
> These DV's are $50 a piece, vs $150 for some of the others out there.
> The DV;s that were replaced were the original Audi part ending in
> 108. Very happy now.
> One odd, or rather unexpected thing is that now my clutch slips more!
> I assume this means that these new DVs are holding the boost pressure
> better? There is definitely more power going to the clutch.
> I do plan on using the RS4 clutch when I do the change, probably in the
> Thanks all..
> Adam
> --__--__--
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> End of BiturboS4 Digest

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