[BiturboS4] Greetings and looking for TSB's

John M. Harrison JohnMH at uwyo.edu
Thu Jan 23 17:00:54 EST 2003

I have not received the Engine Cooling Fan Shield recall letter.
Perhaps this doesn't apply to later build date cars.  The other items
are not "recalls" in my view precisely because they are "silent."
Common maintenance items, perhaps.

My question is - exactly what action do you propose to take based on
these common maintenance items.  Do you recommend complaining about all
of them to your dealer even if there are no symptoms?  Do you propose
replacing all maintenance-prone parts with aftermarket and risk voiding
factory warranty provisions?

Not sure I like either of these options.

John M. Harrison
University of Wyoming
Space Management Office
Facilities Planning
johnmh at uwyo.edu

-----Original Message-----
From: jy [mailto:jysap at cs.com]
Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2003 4:03 PM
To: John M. Harrison; mbenno at yahoo.com; biturbos4 at audifans.com
Subject: Re: [BiturboS4] Greetings and looking for TSB's

Recalls (Both silent & communicated recalls from Audi USA)

TBB (throttle body boot) - silent -dealer will replace if u complain
sluggish acceleration

Engine Cooling Fan Shield - communicated - via letter from Audi USA

Valve Cam Seals/Gaskets - silent - dealers will communicate on a spot
basis - usually during a maintenance check

Turbos - silent -dealer will replace if car is not chpped

00 S4
86 951

----- Original Message -----
From: "John M. Harrison" <JohnMH at uwyo.edu>
To: <mbenno at yahoo.com>; <biturbos4 at audifans.com>
Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2003 3:19 PM
Subject: RE: [BiturboS4] Greetings and looking for TSB's

> Greetings Mike
> "Pretty significant technical issues..."  What might these be?  I'm
> aware of any.  Recalls - I have not received any recall notices of any
> kind from Audi for my Mar 2001 date of mfr S4 Avant.  What recalls are
> you referring to?  TSBs?  These might be interesting.
> 2001 silver S4 Avant with 20,000 miles, stock, no problems whatsoever
> that are not related to hitting deer or flying hunks of wood except a
> coolant temperature sensor that went intermittent.  Dealer replaced
> without question under warranty.
> John M. Harrison
> University of Wyoming
> Space Management Office
> Facilities Planning
> johnmh at uwyo.edu
> 307-766-2408
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael Benno [mailto:mbenno at yahoo.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2003 2:57 PM
> To: biturbos4 at audifans.com
> Subject: [BiturboS4] Greetings and looking for TSB's
> --
> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> Greetings
> I am new to the biturboS4 list but a long time member of the Quattro
> Urq lists. Sadly I just sold my 84Urq (awesome car) and my first Audi,
> 90q20v, is also on the auction bock. Before I purchased my S4Avant
> I owned a A430vAvant for a few years, as well. I have been off both
> a while so please excuse me for asking about something already
> Enough about me, on to the questions. In looking through the archives
> briefly I see there are some pretty significant technical issues with
> 2.7t motor, as well as, other problems that are covered either under
> warranty or via recall. I guess it would be a good idea to get all the
> TSB's for the S4. Can anyone point me in the direction of a resource
> all the TSB's and recalls it need to be aware of.
> Thanks
> Michael Benno
> S4Avant
> 90q20v (for sale)
> ---------------------------------
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