[BiturboS4] RE: [BiturboS4]RS6 rumors

John M. Harrison JohnMH at uwyo.edu
Fri Jan 24 16:31:14 EST 2003

Cool - the Avant would be very nice, especially since I would probably
have to have to trade in my domicile for it.  Per previous rumors on
this list - and the Audi USA site - I was under the impression that only
the RS6 sedan would be available here.  Avants are so sweet - we need
the RS versions here in the US.  Are you listening Audi?

John M. Harrison
johnmh at uwyo.edu

-----Original Message-----
From: David Lau [mailto:toomanycars at mac.com]
Sent: Friday, January 24, 2003 11:14 AM
To: Audi S4 list
Subject: Re: [BiturboS4] Greetings and looking for TSB's

There was an RS6 Avant at the Detroit audo show, along with the new S4.
_salesman_ I talked to said this summer for both, although Audi would
stagger introductions for impact.

...I talked him into getting the keys and letting my sit in them...  ;-)
David J. Lau, The Brookwood Studio, Inc.  David at brookwoodstudio.com

> From: "John M. Harrison" <JohnMH at uwyo.edu>
> Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2003 10:21:42 -0700
> To: ian at codrus.com
> Cc: jy <jysap at cs.com>, mbenno at yahoo.com, biturbos4 at audifans.com
> Subject: RE: [BiturboS4] Greetings and looking for TSB's
> Any recent news on the RS6 sedans?  Anyone seen one for sale on a
> lot?  The Audi USA website doesn't say much about them except that
> are limited availability.  I suppose if you have to ask you can't
> it.  Still - a second mortgage on the house might do the trick :)

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