[BiturboS4] And... the saga continues (blown turbo)

j y jimnetpa at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 27 15:55:56 EDT 2003

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]

WOW - sorry to hear about your situation. When u got that 75% deal from the=
 Dealer & AoA, I must admit that I was kinda envious, but whoaaaa - not any=
more !!!!

What type of morons do they have for techs at that Dealership? After they '=
fix' your S4 next time - I would VAG it - immediately upon receipt.

I would also go to an independent tuner if your hear any other noises - get=
 them to confirm your suspicions - and then return to the Dealer with their=
 diagnosis too - that's what I did when my turbo/intercooler was damaged.

I went to AWE (about 10 miles from my house) and let them do a diagnostic f=
or about $40 - then I marched into the dealer and told them about my turbo =
problem and that it was confirmed by an outside tuner - they knew about AWE=
 - and then the Dealer
proposed my 50/50 deal (wish I could have gotten 75/25 though ;-) ).

Good luck and give those Dumb F**ks at the Dealer Hell !!!!

00 S4 (upgraded K03s - no problems after 2.5k miles - fingers crossed)
86 951 (126k mi - running strong - wink)

Richard Ness <richard at nessnet.com> wrote:
The next chapter....

As most of you know from previous posts, I had a turbo "grenade" about a
month ago.
Audi generously picked up 75% of the repair, so I couldn't go the K04,
exhaust etc, route.
BTW, when the turbo blew, it took out a cat, so they had to replace it as

So, I pick up the car Monday (this week) after Audi sent the wrong cat
twice, delaying the
job a week.... still quite a bit of smoke when in hard boost and here's the
" a fairly loud dentist's drill type whine".

So, I bring the car back in Tues with the complaint of the noise and the
continued smoking...
I make a big point about the noise and that maybe a seal wasn't installed
right and oil was
getting into the hot exhaust stream....

They keep the car all week and supposedly pulled the intercoolers and
cleaned them of oil....
The noise, they swear is "within normal" and the smoke is old oil in the
muffler and exhaust and
"take it for a good run and it will burn off eventually".

Well..... I pick up the car last night (Thurs) and decide to take it for
that "run"
not more than 10 minutes into it, BOOF!!!!, (I hear parts flying) and huge
cloud of smoke!!
Same side turbo is again toast. Oil everywhere, light comes on...

Damn, I sure wish they had listened to me (and I'm sure they wish they had
too) I towed the car
last night after the dealer was closed and stuck it right in front of the
main entrance, spewing oil
all over their nice clean pavement.

The kick in the head while I was down????

The f*#^%ng moron tow truck driver (flatbed) tore up the front bumper cover
real good dragging the front of the
car across my driveway.

Needless to say, I was PISSED last evening.... even the dogs stayed out of
my way

Dealer is very apologetic this morning and "will take care of everything
very quickly" The only reason I'm
not tearing the service manager's face off is that he is solely responsible
for getting the 75% from Audi
and I can't light into someone that took care of me very well in the past,
(or at least not yet anyway)....

I think I need a new (whole) engine at this point..... on THEIR dime!!!!!! I
also called my body shop and they are
stopping by and writing a sheet on the front and presenting it to the
Or, if asked for ANY additional $$, they will be talking to an attorney
(mine) within the hour.

No more Mr. Nice guy.....

Richard Ness

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