[BiturboS4] Customized behavior programming

Al Smith awsm123 at optonline.net
Thu Sep 11 09:30:53 EDT 2003

Hi Ti (our expert on computer settings S4):

           Guess I am going to have to break down and buy a VAG-COM, as my
1st visit to my local dealer with my new to be 2001-S4 yielded no

           These are not major things, but just annoyances:
                      1. Temperature gauge grossly over registers, even when
cold and thus not effected by engine temperature -- dealer said can not be
                      2. MPG over registers by about 10%- they said no-( I
know this is possible)
                      3. "down-up" fast, what ever they call that.  Ok when
pulling in for a toll, but hate having do it all the time.  Would like to be
able to open windows part way without having to be fast to stop downward
movement.  They said this could not be adjusted-- it is in the computer.
                      4. HVAC - would love to be able to turn off the
automatic and just open the vents -  when it is lets say 80 degrees out,
like to open the windows, and also get the same temp going thru the vents.
Guess you can turn on the "Econ" and set to highest setting.  I find it a
pain to have the automatic setting going on to compensate for the warm air
coming in everytime I open the windows.

             Also, so much for the free oil changes.  They offer only
service every 10000 miles, and would charge $62 for the in between changes.
Of course, will go elsewhere.  Most of my driving is local, mixed in with a
few 200 mile trips, which I think is hard on the oil.

              Love my S4, which I have had since April 30th, 2003, and
thought would never want more power.. funny how you get used to the response
and wonder what it would be like to have more.  I am going to resist
chipping etc tho, as I fear modifications could be just asking for trouble.

              Tire pressures.. I have been running 39psi, to avoid damage to
wheels from numerous pot holes that we have in the Connecticut area.  If you
ever want to test a vehicle on rough roads, just take a drive up I-95 in
Fairfield County Connecticut, or on some of our local roads.

             If you have any answers to the adjustment above, would
appreciate your input

Thanks, Al Smith  Norwalk, Ct  awsm123 at optonline.net

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ti Kan" <ti at amb.org>
To: "Russell Romano" <Russell_Romano at pmc-sierra.com>
Cc: <biturbos4 at audifans.com>
Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2003 3:44 PM
Subject: Re: [BiturboS4] Customized behavior programming

> Russell Romano writes:
> > I have heard that there are many features in my 2000 A6 2.7T that can be
> > stomized using the proper equipment.
> >
> > I would like my keychain remotes to be able to put the windows (and
> > ) down when I open the door locks (and hold the button), and also close
> >  the windows and sunroof when I lock the doors and hold the button.  I
> > eve this is possible.
> Yes, you can program this using VAG-COM.
> > I'd also like my homelink garage door opener to remain functional after
> >  car is turned off!  It is driving me crazy that the opener shuts off
with =
> > the car and I can't close the door behind my car after pulling into my
> > ge!
> Nope, that's not one of the programmable things... :(.
> > Ideally, I'd like to see a complete list of everything that can be
> > ed on the car and have it all setup to my liking.  Doesn't anyone know
of s=
> > uch a list?
> All of the "programmable" features are done via coding of individual
> control modules.  For instance, the door lock stuff is all done by coding
> the "central locking" control module, and there are numerous control
> that govern the function of various systems in your car (engine,
> HVAC, radio, central locking, instruments, ABS, airbag, etc, etc.)
> www.audiworld.com and www.ross-tech.com has some info, but to get the full
> monty you need to get the CD edition of the Bentley service manual for
> your car, and you need the VAG diagnostic scan tool (or equivalent,
> such as VAG-COM).
> -Ti
> 2003 A4 1.8T multitronic
> 2001 S4 biturbo 6-sp
> 1984 5000S turbo
> 1980 4000 2.0 5-sp
> --
>     ///  Ti Kan                Vorsprung durch Technik
>    ///   AMB Laboratories, Sunnyvale, CA. USA
>   ///    ti at amb.org
>  //////  http://www.amb.org/ti/
> ///
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