[BiturboS4] TBB questions

California Fields cfields72 at hotmail.com
Thu Sep 11 15:53:28 EDT 2003

While I agree with JY that upgrading the DVs from stock is a good thing
(esp. in a chipped car), I again disagree (as before with the APR Bipipe)
with the need to shell out $$ for the specialty aftermarket ones (Forge,
Bailey, etc.). Just get a pair of Bosch 710Ns for $40 and throw those in. If
they rupture down the road, replace again. They respond better too because
the have lighter pistons and, again, they are made of plastic so the issue
of heat is not there. Additionally, if you have to take your car in for
service under warranty, Audi will not notice the 710Ns (they look like
stock) and so they won't give you flack.


<DIV>Carter Fields, San Francisco</DIV>
<DIV>2001.5, GIAC-X, Miltek 3" cat-back, Strat. shifter, Strat. DVs,
A-pillar boost gauge</DIV>

>From: j y <jimnetpa at yahoo.com>
>To: Adam Schwartz <adam.schwartz at rcn.com>, biturbos4 at audifans.com
>Subject: Re: [BiturboS4] TBB questions
>Date: Mon, 8 Sep 2003 12:23:07 -0700 (PDT)
>[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
>My (non chipped) Y2k S4 blew 2 TBBs be4 I replaced the stock unit with a
>SAMCO TBB. I did the install myself in about 20-25 minutes (u have to
>remove the DV valves etc.). The SAMCO TBB cost me $55 (USD). MTM also sells
>a stock TBB replacement.
>If you haven't done so - make sure that upgrade your DVs - very important
>on a chipped car. I did - Stratmosphere DVs - again u can do it yourself. I
>would not pay dealer prices to replace DVs and a TBB.
>In my opinion, the APR bi-pipe is overkill. Take those $$$ and purchase the
>APR boost gauge - if u don't already have one. That's what u really need on
>a chipped (or non-chipped) S4. Again, u can install a boost gauge yourself
>- just kinda time consuming - but the instructions are on the APR web site.
>Anyone who can replace a battery or change spark plugs can install a boost
>gauge, TBB, or DV valves.
>00 Imola S4 Tip (APR Boost Gauge/Stratmosphere DVs/SAMCO TBB/SPP Tip
>Mod/MoMMo Brake & Gas Pedal - not yet chipped)
>86 951 Porsche (too many mods to list - yes, it's chipped - KoKeln)
>Adam Schwartz <adam.schwartz at rcn.com> wrote:
>[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
>Hello all been a while since I have made a post!
>So my 2000 S4 just blew a throttle body boot. I understand this is very
>common, especially for chipped cars... which mine is.
>My question to you...
>How much did it cost to have your TBB replaced at the dealer?
>For those of you who have gone with after market parts.. which one did
>you choose, and how is it? Do you noticed better performance than stock?
>I am looking at the APR biPipe, but I wonder if its worth the cost.
>My car has made it to 65k - has been chipped for 20k miles.
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