[Biturbos4] New Photo Posting Area For List Members

Darin Nederhoff editor at s-cars.org
Sat Aug 21 09:43:05 EDT 2004

Hello everyone,

I realize that there are times you would like to be able to post photos
somewhere for other list members to see.  In order to accommodate this wish
I created a photo gallery that can be used by members of both the S-Car List
and Biturbo S4 list in the event you need a spot to post a photo.  


Please feel free to use this album to share photos 'temporarily' with other
S-Car List members.  If you do not want a particular photo to be deleted
after a period of time please put "Do Not Delete" within the caption field
when uploading.

It should be simple enough to use... just use the pull down at the top right
to add a photo or photos.

Darin Nederhoff

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