[Biturbos4] Tire Recomendation? and possible tire for sale.

ken kgrant kaspgr at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 25 17:07:50 EDT 2004

Hi Guys,

Ok, my s4 is nearing 50 k miles and i really like what
i've read about the new s4.  in a couple of months
i'll be in the market for the new s4.

i would like to hear your thought on the new s4.  

if i do end up getting it, i will have a set of winter
tires mounted on 17 inch rims that i may have for

more importantly, has anyone test driven the new s4. 
i walked into the delaerhsip in omaha, and walked out
after seeing the sales people.  they gave me the
heebeejeebies.  talk about trying to be slick.  yeesh.


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