[Biturbos4] Replacement turbos - buyin A6 2.7T with blown turbos

John Koenig johnkoenig at greennet.net
Wed Feb 4 16:14:23 EST 2004

If you're talking primarily about all-out performance, it's sometimes useful to look at what the Cost-Is-No-Object racercar developers do.  F1 engines are restricted to being normally aspirated, but the Audi R8, for instance, uses two turbos, no?

As I recall, Porsche 934s used one turbo because of rules restrictions, and the 935s used two, too, because they could.

Then again, maybe the flexibility of two turbos is the reason they're favored for road racing.  What do the turbocharged drag guys (who aren't rules restricted) use?


> One tuner has done exactly that, replacing the 2 smaller turbos with a huge one.  Try search the AW B5-S4 forum for details and pics, it's a black S4.  
> The main reason for 2 turbos on a V6 is due to relative ease of plumbing, 1 turbo on each bank of cylinders, and smaller lag.  A single turbo conversion is just too complicated, you need to join the exhaust from 1 bank to the another, that's a huge PITA especially in the already tight engine bay.  You may gain a lot more top end hp (like the Supra guys do) but you will increase the lag and seriously affect drivibility.
> Quincy

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