[Biturbos4] APR Chip?

robert weinberg centaurus3200 at yahoo.com
Fri Feb 6 18:25:04 EST 2004

or check out the sportec garrett GT25 ball bearing
turbo upgrade. good for over 24 lbs of boost and over
600 HP!

might kill your motor, but those turbos will live on!

see ya,

--- j y <jimnetpa at yahoo.com> wrote:
> It's not a matter of "if" your stock turbos will
> blow...but "when"...so the "jinx" was ON..when u
> chipped the car @ 25k mi..make sure that your
> VISA/MC is in good standing. You will need
> it!....$5700 is about the avg price to replace
> K03s...best to go for K04s..when u have to pay for
> it..and your not splitting the bill with AOA. 
> my K03s blew at 53k mi...STOCK...on my second
> set...will chip my Y2K S4 this summer..I expect the
> second set (of stock turbos) to blow up
> eventually..especially with the added stress of a
> chip.
> Marc Abernethy <mabernathy at lotteryusa.com> wrote:
> Love the APR chip. Rarely turn it to stock. I have a
> later model 2001.
> Put the chip in at 25K. I am at 66k with not one
> problem. How about that
> for jinxing myself. I am very careful with warm up
> and cool down. 
> To switch programs is very easy. The car must be
> running but at idle. Just
> press and hold until the check engine light flashes
> to the program you want.
> Marc
> -----Original Message-----
> From: biturbos4-bounces at www.audifans.com
> [mailto:biturbos4-bounces at www.audifans.com] On
> Behalf Of Andy Turner
> Sent: Wednesday, February 04, 2004 6:17 AM
> To: biturbos4 at audifans.com
> Subject: [Biturbos4] APR Chip?
> Anyone got the APR chip?
> http://www.goapr.co.uk/products/ecu_upgrade_s4.html
> I want a chip, but I'm concerned about the extra
> stress on all other
> parts, even the clutch and tyres. So I like the idea
> of being able to
> switch it from one mode to another using the cruise
> control stalk.
> However, I'm just wondering how this operates. Can
> you just change
> progamming whilst sat at the lights, with the engine
> running? Or do
> you have to turn the engine off in order to switch?
> Cheers!
> andyt
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